

日期:2017-05-06 / 人氣: / 來源:


  Tara: Have a good trip. darling, I hope everything goes well. If it doesn't.I'm afraid Father won't give you another chance.

  旅途愉快。 親愛的,我希望一切順利。 如果不成功,我恐怕父親不會再給你另一個機會了。

  Paul: Don't worry, darling. Everything'll be fine, Now Jack has already despatched the bikes and Christopher Mayo has given me a contact at the embassy, Mr. Carl Sindon, Now all I need are the costing sheets, so that I can quote a price for the bikes in EUROS.

  別擔心,親愛的。 一切都會很好,現在杰克已經把自行車發運出去了,并且克里斯托弗·梅奧幫我和大使館的卡爾·辛德先生取得了聯系,現在我需要的是成本表,這樣我可以報價給摩托車報歐元價格。

  Tara:Ah, that's Tim. He said he'd be here in time to take you to the airport.

  啊,蒂姆來了。 他說他會及時到這里送你去機場的。

  Paul: Oh. good! Oh and darling, thank you for helping Tim with the paperwork.

  哦。 好的! 哦,親愛的,謝謝你幫助蒂姆做文案工作

  Tara: Oh.I enjoy it.


  Paul:Well, bye darling! What shall I bring you from Industria?

  好了,再見親愛的! 我從Industria給你帶點什么?

  Tara:Oh.Just get me some duty-free perfume on the plane.


  Paul:Right, Bye darling, I'll miss you.


  Tara: I'll miss you too. Take care of yourself.

  我也會想念你的。 照顧好自己

  Paul:Oh! must go...


  Tara: Phone me as soon as possible, Safe journey. take care! I hope you enjoy your trip.

  盡快給我打電話,一路平安。 保重! 我希望你喜歡你的旅行

  Paul:Right. I think I've got everything ... plenty of promotional literature.

  對。 我想我已經準備好一切了...大量的宣傳樣本

  Tim:I got those fresh from the printers this morning Mr. Osman.


  Paul: Thanks, Tim.


  Tim: Mr. Osman?


  Paul: Hmm.


  Tim:I've been looking at the costing sheets in the car. How did you decide on the price of the bikes?Well I mean, how did you arrive at your estimate?

  我一直在車上看成本表。 你是如何決定摩托車的價格?我的意思是,你是如何得出你的預估價格的?

  Paul:Well, it's difficult to be precise at this stage. It really depends on how big the orders are- the bigger the order, the lower the unit cost of each bike, But Jack and I thought a price of about 600 EUROs, or 650 US Dollarsat the present rate of exchange, would be a safe estimate.

  你知道,在這個階段很難得出準確的價格。 這完全取決于訂單有多大 - 訂單越大,每輛自行車的單位成本越低,但杰克和我認為,在當前匯率下,大約600歐元或650美元的的價格將是一個比較保守的預估。

  Tim:Hm ... well, that will give you a profit margin of 10%,But what about the exchange rate? If the US dollar falls, you may have to raise your price or take out exchange cover.

  嗯,好吧,這樣的價格能帶來10%的利潤率,但匯率怎么樣? 如果美元下跌,你可能需要提高價格或取消交易了。

  Paul:Well, full marks Tim.You've certainly done your homework.You're right, of course,But we can deal with that later, The most important thing now is to sell. So, we quote a price of 600 EUROS or USD650, And take it from there.

  好的,蒂姆,滿分!你肯定做了充分的準備工作。你是對的,當然,以后我們可以處理。現在,最重要的是賣出去。 所以,我們報價600歐元或650美元的價格,并從這兒開始。

  Tannoy(播音): The 11:40 flight for Industria.

  11:40飛行往 Industria。

  Paul: Bye, Tim. and thanks for the lift.

  再見,蒂姆。 謝謝相送

  Tim: Goodbye Mr. Osman. Best of luck!

  再見奧斯曼先生。 一路順風!

  Captain: This is your Captain, Please fasten your safety belts, No Smoking please! We hope you had a pleasant flight. and we shall be landing at Centreville International Airport in just under 10 minutes, Thank you!

  這是你們的機長,請系好你的安全帶,請不要吸煙! 我們希望你有一個愉快的飛行。 我們將在不到10分鐘的時間在科斯維爾國際機場著陸,謝謝!

  Paul: Excuse me, where do I get my luggage? I arrived an hour ago on the 11;40 flight from Zuritania.

  對不起,我在哪里拿行李? 我一小時前從蘇黎世乘11; 40飛機到達的

  Hostess: Let me see ... yes, if you go through that door over there on the left. you will see signs with the flight numbers on them. Your luggage should be there.

  讓我看看...是的,如果你通過在左邊那邊的那個門。 你會看到有航班號碼的標志。 你的行李應該在那里。

  Paul:Ah! Thank you very much. Er.... over there?

  啊! 非常感謝你。 呃....那邊?

  Tannoy: Will Mr. Paul Osman arriving on the 11:40 from Zuritania please contact the information desk. Mr. Paul Osman.

  請11:40從蘇黎世的到達的奧斯曼先生,請聯系信息臺。 奧斯曼先生

  Paul: Ah! excuse me, that's for me! ... Excuse me, information? I'm Paul Osman, You called me on the tannoy.

  啊! 對不起,這是叫我嗎! 對不起,問訊處? 我是保羅·奧斯曼,你們在廣播里叫我。

  Clerk:Ah, yes, Mr. Osman. There's a message for you.

  啊,是的,奧斯曼先生。 有一個消息給你。

  Paul: Thanks you very much. (Reads) Ship held up. With help of Christopher Mayo for bikes are on their way by airfreight. Five days to arrive, Jack.

  非常感謝你。 (閱讀)船舶滯留。 在克里斯托弗·梅奧的幫助下,摩托車由空運。 五天到了,杰克。

  PAUL:Oh no! In five days the Trade Fair will be half over.

  不好了! 在五天之內,貿易展覽會將會完成一半了。



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