

日期:2017-06-03 / 人氣: / 來源:


  CNCAO NEWS The 67th international industrial festival “Hanover Industry Fair” is recently held in Germany Hanover, and 10 enterprises such as Wenzhou Chint, Huanyu, Daqian Fills Seals and others participate in the exhibition on behalf of Wenzhou Manufacturing. Six representatives of Wenzhou merchants forming a group went to Germany for studying, communicating and discussing with the global leading German advanced enterprises, and learn how to promote the transformation of digital manufacturing and energy system, also they felt the charm of the Intelligent Manufacturing.





  According to introduction,Hanover Industry Fair is recognized as the most important platform of connecting Global Industrial Design, Processing and Manufacturing, Technology Application and International Trade, which is referred as “the Flagship Exhibition in the field of Global Industrial Trade” and “the most influential Intenational Industrial Trade Fair involved with the most widely industrial products and technologies ".




  (中國網見習記者 張云松 綜合報道 翻譯 陳萍萍)


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